Wednesday, November 3, 2010

56 years!

What does it feel and look like when your team, a franchise that has not won a title in your lifetime, in multiple lifetimes, finally wins? Something like this!!!

All those of us New York Ranger fans, like the Clarion Content's sports editor, who remember the "1940" chants of our youth, the generations of fans who rooted and rooted without a Cup, know the feeling. Mark Messier, we are eternally grateful.

Congratulations, Giants fans!

Cleveland Indians fans, we hope, some day, this is you.


Thom Foolery said...

Hey! What about us Cubs fans?!

Clarion Content said...


Cubs fans lost one more fanbase who could empathize with their plight...

It has been a tough few years for that, as the Red Sox, White Sox and Phillies have gotten off long schneids too.